Once you have an idea for a book and a plan for how to get it written and marketed, it’s time to put your brain to work with some writing exercises. Here are 10 different tips to help your brain get the ‘WRITE’ idea:

• When an idea comes to you, usually unexpectedly, it is time to write ¾ right now! Record it on anything that’s handy and transfer it to full size paper as soon as possible so you won’t lose it.
• You should write as long and as often as possible when you’re “in the mood” to write. Ideas can flow over a period of minutes, hours and days so steal time if you have to in order to write when you are on a roll. It’s a justifiable action.
• Write in the places where you are most inspired and where you go to relax and rejuvenate yourself. If you write in these places you will increase writing time because these are the places you frequent in order to make sense of life. Inspirational locations bring out the best in you.
• Carry with you at all times key words and phrases from your Table of Contents along with supporting points you want included. Use this barebones outline to write in the waiting rooms of doctors’ offices or while your wife/husband is shopping or whenever the opportunity presents itself. Key words and phrases are all you need to get you started writing. They are all the inspiration you need.
• Get up a little early 2 or 3 days a week or go to bed a little later 2 or 3 days a week. Set aside this time to write. You might also consider using part of your lunch hour, if you get an hour, to write a few days a week.
• If you are a sports fan write between periods, at half time or even during those 3-5 minute commercial breaks. You might also try keeping the sports event on the TV ‘muted’ even when the game is on. If I’m rolling along with my writing I don’t really need the sound to understand what is going on and I can always un-mute the TV if something interesting is going on.

• If you’re writing a particularly interesting or important section of your book, leave it out where you can see it. It’s easier to just pick it up and write for a few minutes if it’s readily available. Having your work handy also generates ideas just by looking at it. You can jot down those ideas in the margins of your work. (In our house my papers may get moved in the tidying process. Make sure you know where your spouse puts those tidied papers! Consider investing in an “inbox” for those inevitable fits of housecleaning; that way, you will never lose something important.)
• If you have kids, arrange to exchange babysitting or child watching sessions with someone to allow you to write in a large block of time during times when it’s your best time to create. I’m a morning writer and a sports watching writer. Exchanging child sitting time must be mutually beneficial. Using this kind of arrangement also removes any guilt and frustration you might experience regarding finding and using large blocks of time.
• Pay someone to look after the children. At crucial times in the book authoring process this may be a good investment. This is especially true if writing is a re-creational activity for you. You deserve time for yourself doing what you want to do that has a positive impact on your life.
• Request for your birthday a weekend retreat to write your book. Pick a location that’s inspiring for you, relaxing but not distracting, and where interruptions are at a minimum. It could be at a friend’s house or cottage while they are away for the weekend. Or better yet, send your family away on a great weekend vacation while you stay at home in the comfort of your own office. This plan works just as well for a single day as it would for a weekend.
There are additional strategies that put your brain to work for you, but even starting with these ten strategies will propel you toward success.
